Detour, Follow Signs

024With any adventure you can expect some switchbacks, bumps, hills, pests and detours–my adventure is no exception. As I venture out into the city of Jaco alone I am cautious. I met with a friend on Sunday who shared all the wonderful things about becoming a Tico. He also shared all the not-so-wonderful things. Those things didn’t actually scare me. I found out I would have to do some legal paperwork in order to be legal to work here. So, I met with an attorney yesterday.

As I sat waiting outside, I was trembling. I needed a sign from the universe that I was making a wise choice. (As I mentioned before, my financial security of having a job when I was here, was suddenly taken away just as easily as it came leaving me without a back up plan…..and very little money.) I wrote this to myself as I sat there glistening from the heat (yes, I said glistening), tears in my eyes, fearful of hearing something I didn’t want to hear:

“Dad, guide me. I don’t know what to do. Do I continue to take crazy risks in my life and hope it turns out?  When does a risk become careless?  I wish that voice in my head would just shut the F@!* up! Stop being afraid. STOP IT! If I make a decision based on fear I will always regret it. No, you are doing this. Get in that office and make it happen. Do it!”

So I did…I walked in shoulders back, smiling and confident. No more tears, I am staying and making this happen.

My attorney was a delight. She greeted me at the door with her two white ankle-biters (which only reminded me of MY ankle-biters). We sat and chatted for a moment, then she asked, “how can I help you”. With a smile, I shared with her my desire to find work teaching Zumba and Yoga at resorts and for private residents and live in Costa Rica. She was very supportive and explained all the risks and legalities of it. Once again, I was reminded it is slow season.

My answer came to me….The cost to register and become legal….happens to be the same amount I have left to get my ticket back home and a few groceries. There was my sign–my answer. Taking every cent I have would be an irresponsible decision. I would still need a place to stay as I found work….how would I eat? I looked her confidently in the eye and said, “I made my decision, I am going back home and saving money to return in high season”.  The words flowed, I was confident, happy and relieved.  I committed to preparing the paperwork in a month so it is finished and ready when I return.

I am following the signs and not fighting it. Sure, I wanted to stay and make this happen for a few months. But I also said I would let the universe (and Dad) guide me. I saw my Dad in my mind say, “not now mija, soon). The detour sign doesn’t mean I won’t get to my destination, I just have to take another route. Who knows, maybe this one will have better scenery.

I know now what I need to do when I get home.

  1. Love up on my family (hug them a lot)
  2. Practice teaching Yoga (on pretty much eveyone I know)
  3. Practice my own Yoga
  4. Get a job (or jobs)
  5. Continue to eat clean
  6. Get my life in order
  7. Return to Costa Rica!

025Sounds like a good plan to me! Until then, I plan to get a lot of sunshine on my body, read about the Chakras, and prepare my life into the “real world”. See you soon Phoenix!

One thought on “Detour, Follow Signs

  1. Casey says:

    Looking forward to having you back in the States dear! Enjoy, enjoy. All good things come to she who waits. My friend leaves a zumbachick and returns also a yogini! Mmmmmwwwaaaaahhh!

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